Every year around this time the circus comes to town, but that isn't what I missed. Well, I DID miss the circus, but I don't care about that. I find them to be dirty, nasty, expensive affairs. Approximately every 5 years I go to one to reaffirm that I don't really get enjoyment from them.
I digress. When the Ringling Bros are done with their shows here, they have an "elephant parade" from their venue to their rail cars. This just happens to go past the soccer fields where Sarah plays. Sunday was the day for this year's elephant parade! Sarah and Joe were able to stay and see it after her game. Even though we suspected it was on Sunday, I left the game early with Mary and Leah because we were freezing our arses off in our summer attire (and yes, it is Africa-hot today).
Joe had the foresight to bring along the camera and snapped a few pictures. Here are a couple of the elephants (one close up, one to give you an idea of just how many elephants they have):
and of course, we can't possibly forget the horses!
Ha! Glad to know it isn't just my kids that have a gross sense of humor!